About us

Our deep conviction

Revolutionizing KYC:

We are committed to creating industry standards and streamlining KYC process through innovative tokenization, with a strong emphasis on regulatory compliance and safeguarding sensitive data.

Earning Trust:

Our dedication is to earn the trust of individuals and businesses alike by upholding innovation, compliance, and growth.

Reshaping the Future:

We are determined to simplify the onboarding journey by handling the KYC heavy lifting, reducing the need for repetitive processes, and making it easier for all parties involved.

Trusted Compliance:

As a trusted intermediary, we ensure rigorous compliance and unwavering data privacy.

Thorough Verification:

Our commitment includes conducting comprehensive client verifications and expertly handling all regulatory necessities.

Our Mission

All-Inclusive Solution:

We offer a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for individuals and businesses involved in KYC and CDD processes.

Effortless Onboarding:

Our aim is to streamline and simplify the onboarding experience, making it hassle-free for both applicants and companies.

Fostering Trust:

Our focus is on fostering trust, transparency, and overall efficiency in the onboarding journey.

Mutual Benefit:

We strive to create a mutually beneficial environment where all stakeholders can flourish.

Our Story

Our Value

Our Values that Change Digital Age

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AML screening.

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Document verification.

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Communication tools.

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Our expertise

The founders

Alanh Husson

Meet Alanh-Hubert Husson, an accomplished finance professional and one of the founders of K1C. Alanh brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the team, particularly in operational management, innovation, and project excellence. His leadership has been instrumental in streamlining and enhancing K1C's services. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion for technology, Alanh is dedicated to optimizing processes, improving customer experiences, and driving sustainable growth at K1C.

William Sayavongsa

Meet William Sayavongsa, a highly experienced finance professional and a key founder of K1C. William brings a wealth of expertise in operations and project management to the team. As a seasoned leader, he has a proven track record of success in implementing efficient operating models and driving continuous improvement. William's strategic mindset and strong project management skills have been instrumental in shaping K1C's success, including the implementation of innovative solutions and the optimization of operational processes.

Top-Level Experience:

All members have held C-level positions.

Strategic Leadership:

Successful track record in steering organizations to excellence.

Our Advisory Board At a Glance

70+ Years of Cumulative Experience:

Combined experience in the financial sector.

4 Seasoned Advisors:

2 Men and 2 Women.

Diverse Backgrounds:

Expertise in Financial Software and Services, Compliance, Marketing, and Banking.
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